[SMBX 1.4.4 Custom Level] Lunar Stardust (Nova Contest Level)

Isetupsmbxasanemulatorandpointtothesmbxexethenunderthelaunchertabipointittothesameexe.Ithengobacktothesmbx ...,Theproblemisthatthesitesforumhavereallyterribleadminsandmoderatorssincetheyarealwaysmeanandlocktopicsofinterestingtopics.,CanIusetheGia...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Running Super Mario Bros X - Troubleshooting

I set up smbx as an emulator and point to the smbx exe then under the launcher tab i point it to the same exe. I then go back to the smbx ...

SMBX Forum Problems. - Super Mario Bros. 3

The problem is that the sites forum have really terrible admins and moderators since they are always mean and lock topics of interesting topics.

Super Mario Bros. X Forums

Can I use the Giant Piranha Plant sprites from Castle Cramped in my level?Yes.If anyone wishes to use any custom graphics from any of my levels, please feel ...


Description: Place for SMBX games that are ready to be played. You can also share them here. Forum rules: Post your completed episodes for SMBX Engine here.

Super Mario Bros. X

Vanilla SMBX and TheXTech. Sub-forum dedicated to Vanilla SMBX - an original SMBX from 1.0 up to 1.3 made by Redigit in 2009 and maintained up to 2011 year.

SMBX forums are down or problem on my end?

We're likely going to lose the supermariobrosx.org domain. They decided to move the entire SMBX website to https://smbxgame.com/

Super Mario Bros. X Remakes - Forums

View Super Mario Bros. X Remakes speedruns, leaderboards, forums and more on Speedrun.com.

the New Super Mario Bros. X Forums!

This forum is for any SMBX-related ideas or works in development, including and not limited to in-progress episodes. 50 Topics: 829 Posts: Last ...


Isetupsmbxasanemulatorandpointtothesmbxexethenunderthelaunchertabipointittothesameexe.Ithengobacktothesmbx ...,Theproblemisthatthesitesforumhavereallyterribleadminsandmoderatorssincetheyarealwaysmeanandlocktopicsofinterestingtopics.,CanIusetheGiantPiranhaPlantspritesfromCastleCrampedinmylevel?Yes.Ifanyonewishestouseanycustomgraphicsfromanyofmylevels,pleasefeel ...,Description:PlaceforSMBXgames...